Thursday, February 23, 2023

My favorite You Tube channels

 We live in an era of consumerism. Our hunger for the latest news spawned a whole new genre of amateur productions on YouTube. The advantages of these is that laypersons have a platform to voice their views. And the best part is if they have a big enough audience, they actually can influence studios decision making. There are obviously downsides with made up news. It's up to the audience to vet the veracity of the information presented. I personally watch and tune in to quite a number of video podcast on a daily basis. Below are some of my favorite You Tube channels.

UsualMike Television (

A fellow Aussie host this YouTube channel. I follow a few action figure review and news channels, but Mikey is by far the best and my go-to for the latest Star Wars figure news. Got to support fellow Aussies right? Anywho that is not the reason why I love Mikes channel, of which he now has two, one for Star Wars and one for GI Joe. Mikes home of action figure news features the most up to date information about the latest releases. Mike clearly puts a lot of effort and research into his videos, and  his unbridled enthusiasm shines through every time. His opening exclamation 'And on this edition of the noose' gets me pumped every time. And I like how he steers clear of all the shenanigans that seem to plague the other channels. Just another really nice and down to earth bloke with a passion for in box collecting.

Mr Sunday Movies Caravan of Garbage (

James and Mason host the TV and movie review site Caravan of Garbage. I must admit that I am biased as I love everything Aussie. Maybe it's the candor. There is a certain earnestness to the the way things are presented. Much like Mike, I really enjoy their fresh takes on popular movies, Easter egg breakdowns, trailer discussions. What I particularly love about their show is the spotlights on slightly older movie franchises. And did I mention their chemistry? James and Mason are like PBnJ.

Double Toasted (

Korey Coleman and Martin Thomas  have to be the funnest  and most boisterous movie reviewers ever. They never fail to split my sides. The channel reviews current movies, cover current trends like BLM, and also bad movie roast, which is my favorite segment. They have a zany movie rating system that also elicit  guffaws. For Black History Month they had Retro Reviews where they reviewed my favorite cult classic , The Wiz! And did I mention that Korey and Martin run live shows? They travel around continental US, bringing their brand of humor to the masses.

Clownfish TV (

Hosted by a couple Kneon and Geeky Sparkles, who also runs the Pirates and Princesses blog, they were once Disney insiders. These days they seek to uncover the underlying issues with modern day Disney and with woke and cancel culture in geek media . I find their discussions about gamer and comic gate, the current state of the movie industry, and the current conditions of the Disney parks and attractions to be very interesting and informative. Kneon has a deep understanding of how the comic book industry works as he himself is a creator and he is involved in the industry.They also discuss in depth the problems faced by Disney fans such as the rising cost of park tickets, Disney's woeful attempts at getting Star Wars fan's to stay at the exorbitantly priced  Starlight Cruise, where everything is overpriced.

Overlord DVD Doomcock TV (

Self proclaimed ruler of the earth, Doomcock and his minion Harvey Cthuhlu broadcast their transmissions from the center of the earth. Doomcock's mission is to save pop culture one movie at a time. Doomcock has connections in Hollywood and his inside scoops are often to the point. How many big name franchises have fallen to the wayside due to social pandering? Good examples include Rian Johnson's The Last Jedi. This Kathleen Kennedy vehicle single handedly broke the Star Wars Fandom in two. And now we have an impending disaster in the upcoming James Mangold helmed Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny. Rumor has it that they are trying to erase Indiana's past and replacing him with Phoebe Waller Bridges character. Doomcock hopes to reverse this trend by keeping the fans informed. Together we can end this terrible conflict and bring order to the galaxy. Doomcock was so influential that he was featured in the godawful She Hulk series!

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