Thursday, April 27, 2023

40th Anniversary Lookback at The Return of the Jedi


This used to be my favorite Star Wars movie. Yes you heard me correctly, but as a kid though. The reason for this was very simple. When I was young, I didn't like Empire Strikes Back as much as I do now. Luke lost his hand, and we lost Han to the bounty hunter Boba Fett. Empire was a dark entry into the original trilogy that left us fans hanging and wanting more. It's only with age have I been able to fully appreciate how magnificent Empire was. It had so much depth and layers to the story.

Enter Return of the Jedi  the penultimate episode in the George Lucas's Star Wars saga. This story was more straight forward. The good guys triumph over the evil empire, and Darth Vader is redeemed by the protagonist, and his son Luke Skywalker. In my opinion, this was the perfect end to the Skywalker saga. No need for sequels to this completed story arc. And since 2023 is the 40th anniversary of this flick, what better time than now for me to discuss this movie? Well let's jump right into it. I will first cover some facts and discuss my thoughts about the original theatrical release versus the special edition, and the Blu-ray release. Yes there are several versions of the movie.

For hard-core Star Wars fan's, you would probably remember that the movie was originally supposed to be called Revenge of the Jedi. There were posters and even toys with backing cards using the Revenge moniker. George Lucas changed Revenge to Return at the last minute as he felt like jedis do not take Revenge. This change in title would also have the added benefit for George's prequel movies, seeing how episode III would be titled Revenge of the Sith.

As for the final cut of the movie we got in 1983, several scenes were also cut from the movie. The more memorable ones that I wish had made it into the final cut include the scene in a cave on Tatooine where Luke puts together his green bladed lighsabre and hides it in R2, and the sandstorm scene that sees our heroes make their way to the Falcon.

Then there is the debacle that drove a wedge between George Lucas and the OG Star Wars fan's. George made numerous changes to 'improve' on the original release of the movie. I could write a multi page essay extolling why the original release should be left alone and not altered in any way. George felt that he couldn't achieve the vision he had for the movies with the technology at that time. When VFX tools finally caught up, George went back to the three original movies, reworked, added some scenes, and re-released them in theaters as the special editions. Star Wars received the most extensive additions, while Empire received the least, a testament to how perfect the final product was. I personally didn't mind the modifications to both of the mentioned as the scenes did add to the enjoyment of the films. The same cannot be said for Return.

I took particular offense to the Jabba throne room sing and dance number featuring close ups of some aliens I didn't care for, or the new song. Give me Lapti Nek anyday. I had the issue with George getting rid of the ewok celebration song Yub Nub right at the end of the movie as well. Did not like the ' elevator music' we got as replacement. And what's with replacing Sebastian Shaw with Hayden Christensen? We so didn't appreciate that swap. And George didn't help the situation by refusing to release the original theatrical version of the movie. Fans have resorted to scanning and restoring these from old film reels. In fact that is the only way to see these three classics in their full unaltered glory. Kudos to these dedicated fan. The last release of these versions were a low resolution copy of the Laser Disc release!

And with all that griping, here is my unadulterated recap of the original 1983 theatrical release of Return of the Jedi. The movie brings back our crew of heroes. In Empire Luke struck out on his own after the events on Hoth to train with Jedi Master Yoda. Han, Leia, Chewbacca and C3PO escape from the Imperial fleet, but are later ambushed at Bespin, and Han is frozen in Carbonite and given to vile gangster Jabba the Hutt.

The movie opens with the revelation that the empire has started construction on a new Death Star. Darth Vader personally travels to the Death Star to oversee it's completion. Meanwhile on Tatooine, R2D2 and C3PO make their way across a desolate landscape towards a foreboding metal gate. They have been sent by Luke Skywalker as a token of goodwill to Jabba the Hutt. The plan is to infiltrate Jabba's palace to rescue Han Solo. Leia, disguised as bounty hunter Boussh brings in Chewbacca in an attempt to gain access to Han. She successfully releases Han from his carbon freezing prison, but is captured in the process and made a slave to Jabba. Luke has to make an appearance to try and bargain for Han's life. Jabba tries to kill Luke instead by dropping Luke into the rancor pit. Luke makes quick work of the rancor, enraging Jabba even further. Jabba decrees that our heroes are to be brought to the Dune Sea and cast into the Pit of Carkoon, the resting place of the Sarlacc. With the force as an ally, and with the help of a semi blind Han, Lando disguised as a skiff guard, and Chewbacca, Luke dispatches the guards on the skiffs and on the main deck of Jabba's sail barge. As for Jabba himself, he is choked to death by the very chain he used to enslave Princess Leia. Our heroes escape after blowing Jabba's Khettana to smithereens.

The second act sees Luke travel back to the swamp planet Dagobah to complete his Jedi training. He is saddened to discover that Yoda has fallen ill and is on his death bed. Yoda reveals to Luke that his training was complete save one fact, he was not ready for the burden of learning that Darth Vader was in fact Anakin Skywalker his father. Yoda also mentions to Luke that there is another Skywalker before  becoming one with the force. Luke struggles with his feelings as Obi-Wan appears to comfort him. He reveals to Luke that he had a twin sister. Luke senses that Leia is his sister and Obi-Wan confirms his feelings. Luke then regroups with the others as they plan their assault on the Death Star. In order to gain access to the Death Star, they will have to deactivate the force field beamed from the forest moon of Endor. The rebels assemble a strike force to take down the shield, led by General Solo. Lando leads the strike on the Death Star. The heroes then depart for Endor in a stolen Imperial shuttle.

The Endor strike team land in a forest clearing and spot some Imperials. Han's clumsy approach accidentally alert the Imperial scout Troopers. Luke and Leia give chase and although successful, they are separated. Luke is able to reunite with Han and the rest. Leia is rescued by Wicket, a teddy bear like creature called ewoks. The rebels later fall into a trap set by the ewok tribe. When they spy 3PO among the group, they fall to their knees in reverence. They are convinced C3PO is a god, and Luke uses this to free them. They are reunited with Leia. The ewoks join the rebels in their fight to take down the deflector shield after listening to 3PO's tale about their escapades with the empire. Luke reveals to Leia the truth that she is his twin sister, and that Vader is their father before surrendering to Vader. He believes there is still good in him, and that he can save him. After Luke's departure, Han and company begin planning their assault.

With the help of the ewoks, Han manages to gain access to the base. However it is revealed that Emperor Palpatine had anticipated this and set a trap for them. We then see Han and the rebels captured, as the rebel fleet, led by General Calrissian and Admiral Ackbar come out of hyperspace. The rebel fleet is stunned when the Death Star fires upon them. To buy Han and company more time, Lando moves the rebel fleet closer to the Star Destroyers. Han and the rebels are freed by the ewoks and successfully blow up the shield generator. Lando then leads a squadron of rebel star fighters to the core of the Death Star. Meanwhile on the Death Star itself, Vader brings Luke before his master, Emperor Palpatine. The Emperor is successful in goading Luke to embrace his anger and fight his father. Luke, with the dark side as his ally overpowers Vader and chops off his hand. Luke then realizes what he has done and stops. An enraged Emperor Palpatine unleashes his full fury on Luke, bathing him in sith lightning. Just when he is about to strike the final blow, Luke's faith in his father is repaid. Vader absorbs the killing blows and hurtles Palpatine to his doom! Luke has to then half drags carries his redeemed father to a shuttle. In a final touching moment father and son come face to face for the last time. Luke takes off just as Lando fires the shot that takes out the Death Star.

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